Some fully formed, others in a state of becoming, hands and feet and their supports. Cast and recast,
copied and recopied, rubber gloves, ur-feet, the feet of apes. Fragments that represent a whole, these
outermost extremities can stand in for humans. The hands and feet of ancient ancestors, present
selves, future monuments. Cast in concrete, some are simultaneously both hands and feet. Others
are just hands on paper, like cartoons or cave paintings. Cheap materials that are all around us.
Materials used to construct shelter and transmit information.
The supports extend us. Stands on stands. Feet on tables, feet on shelves, glued up prints. A support
can be ideological, structural, architectural. Technology can be a support. A support can be a big idea
meant to save the world. It can be a matrix used to display objects in an exhibition. And sometimes
the supports are simple extensions—clothes on skin, or shoes on feet.
Becoming what supports us, what constructs us. Becoming the prosthetic that extends us.
September 8th – October 27th, 2018
Cloaca Projects, San Francisco
Domus, March 1964 and Black Rubber Hand, 24.5 X 18”, screen print on newsprint with wheat paste, 2018Vase with Ozzy’s Left Hand, 24.5 X 18”, screen print on newsprint with wheat paste, 2018
Plant Stand and Pedagogical Support, 38 X 20 x 15”, concrete, felt, rubber, and powder coated steel, 2018Interior Cast (Right) and Support, 135.5 X 13 X 7.5”, concrete, felt, and powder coated steel, 2018Feet, Full Pair, 12.5 X 9 X 6.5 each, concrete, beeswax, and felt on powder coated steel and glass support, 36 X 20 1/8 x 18 5/8”, 2018Interior Cast (Left) and Support, 142 X 13 X 7.5”, concrete, felt, and powder coated steel, 2018